Creating sequential systems with prisms, CAD parts and other complex objects - webinar

The easiest way to simulate complex objects in a sequential ray trace is with a special sequential surface called the Non-Sequential Component surface. This allows you to insert groups of non-sequential objects, like prisms, light pipes, or CAD parts, into what is otherwise a sequential system. These systems, referred to as mixed-mode system or hybrid systems, use both sequential and non-sequential ray tracing. These mixed-mode systems make it easy to simulate complex beam paths, like multiple reflections inside of a prism. In addition, the Non-Sequential Component surface can include multiple non-sequential objects, and you can insert multiple non-sequential groups. We will show you examples of how such a system can be set up and explain the ins and outs using multiple NSC groups.

Authored By Dr. Thomas Pickering


Creating sequential systems with prisms, CAD parts, and other complex objects in OpticStudio - YouTube

About the presenter

Dr. Thomas Pickering is OpticStudio Product Manager at Zemax. He received a PhD in Accelerator Physics from Royal Holloway, University of London. As a researcher with CERN, DESY, and Cornell University, Dr. Pickering focused on the development of particle beam profile monitors using laser wire systems, optical diffraction radiation, and optical transition radiation.


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