Technologies and techniques for optical fabrication - webinar

Understanding how optical components are manufactured is essential to creating the high-performance and cost effective optical systems today’s customers demand. Here’s your opportunity to learn the latest methods and procedures in fabrication and testing technology from an industry-leading expert in optical fabrication. Director of Technology and Strategy at Optimax Systems, Jessica DeGroote Nelson, discusses insights and tips for optical lens production, including a brief introduction to technologies and techniques for optical fabrication and testing as well as the common optical drawing specification.

Authored By Jessica DeGroote Nelson


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Technologies and Techniques for Optical Fabrication - YouTube

About the presenter

Jessica DeGroote Nelson is the Director of Technology and Strategy at Optimax Systems, Inc., specializing in optical materials and fabrication processes. In addition to working at Optimax, Jessica is also an adjunct faculty member at The Institute of Optics at the University of Rochester teaching an undergraduate course on Optical Fabrication and Testing.


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