Designing a microscope objective with OpticStudio - webinar

In this webinar, we will optimize and tolerance a microscope objective in OpticStudio and convert the file into non-sequential mode for stray light analysis. We will start with a sample sequential file, and will define the system requirements and performance specifications. We'll then use a variety of tool to complete and verify our design.

Authored By Kristen Norton


Article Attachment


Designing a Microscope Objective with OpticStudio - YouTube

Webinar hosted by Kristen Norton, the former OpticStudio Product Manager. She worked as a Laser & Optics Engineer before joining Zemax as a Senior Optical Engineer in early 2014.

We’ll use the following tools:

  • Analysis tools: Spot Diagram, Ray Fan, Siedel Diagram, Image Simulation, and Grid Distortion
  • Optimization tools: Quick Focus, Slider, Visual Optimizer, Optimization Wizard, and custom optimization operands
  • Tolerancing tools: Design Lockdown, Tolerance Wizard, Inverse Sensitivity Analysis, Monte Carlo Simulation
  • Stray light analysis tools: Critical Ray Tracer, Convert to NSC, and Non-sequential Ray Traces with Filter strings

See the "Article Attachment" link to obtain the Opticstudio sample files used in this webinar.



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