Monitoring concurrent users to track network license utilization (Zemax Legacy)

Authored By Matthew Sutton


Customers may wish to monitor and report on how Zemax licenses are being utilized in their network, including maximum number of licenses used at any given time. By configuring the Zemax License manager correctly, data can be logged.

Before beginning please note:

This procedure can be used for OpticStudio, OpticsBuilder, or OpticsViewer with a Red USB or softkey legacy network license. 

Legacy Zemax licenses include licenses with 6-digit alpha-numeric serial numbers beginning with "L" or "T" (e.g. L100000). You can identify your license type using the guide located here: How to identify your legacy Zemax license.

If you are using Ansys-licensed versions of Zemax software, see Ansys Zemax licensing overview and guides.

Configuration of basic logging

Network licenses for Zemax legacy products are managed with Thales LDK software licensing included with the Zemax License Manager (ZLM)on a license server. The ZLM supports OpticStudio, OpticsBuilder and OpticsViewer legacy licenses. This means that when you first configure logging you will not be able to review your logs for at least 1 day. 

There are a things to note before beginning:

  • This procedure is not applicable to customers with a Black USB network license (those with a license number of 22000-40999), or those with individual (non-network) licenses. It requires you have a Red USB or softkey network license that is sharable over the network.
  • To configure license logging, you must do so from the computer / server which is hosting the network license.
  • If you have previously configured daily access log files on your server, they need to be be removed first to avoid errors. To do so, delete all files ending in LOG from the following folder on the server: C:\Program Files (X86)\common files\Aladdin shared\HASP\log.

You can configure basic usage logs on the server in the Sentinel Admin Control Center per How do I monitor and control usage of the network license? 

Detailed usage

The license vendor does not provide a utility to interpret or give detailed usage of the above default log files.

To interpret the data and track detailed usage information, Zemax recommends using the third party TeamEDA product to monitor and manage license usage of Zemax products. 

Please see for information and pricing on their LAMUM product. This product has been tested and is confirmed to work correctly with Zemax products. TeamEDA may be contacted here.


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