Importing CODE V designs into OpticStudio

Updated: October 18, 2024
Current Release: V1.0.2.3

Authored By: Ethan Keeler


Converter Download
Note: This extension is only available for the Ansys version of OpticStudio.

Beta Notice

This extension is currently in beta release. There may be unexpected bugs or errors, and we encourage you to double check any converted designs. If you have any feedback or information to share with us about your conversions, please open a case with our team on the Ansys Customer Support Space (ACSS). We would also be more than happy to review the Conversion Report with you to help you understand issues with the conversion. Please feel free to share this report (and if possible, the SEQ file) so that we can better understand any failures or limitations.


OpticStudio provides an extension for importing CODE V designs. This extension is meant to replace and improve upon the legacy ZPL macro (CodeV to OpticStudio Converter.ZPL). To import a CODE V design, it must be saved as a text-based SEQ file. By reading the CODE V commands, line-by-line, the converter can recreate the design dynamically within OpticStudio. The extension also offers an interface to directly enter the commands, one-by-one, to build or modify a design. It is important to note that not all CODE V commands and capabilities are fully supported by the converter; we are continually improving the tool, but there are some limitations, and converted designs should be validated.

Downloading and installing the extension

You can download the Converter as a ZIP folder attached to this article. To install it, first close OpticStudio. Then simply extract the files in the attached ZIP into your Documents\Zemax\ZOS-API\Extensions folder. Make sure that the executable (‘CODE V Converter.exe’) is at the top level of this folder. Once you open OpticStudio, you will see the CODE V Converter as an option on the User Extension list.

Process to convert a design

After exporting the CODE V design to a text-based SEQ file, you can access the extension on the Programming tab in OpticStudio:

After opening the extension, you will see the main GUI interface. To complete a conversion, simply navigate to the SEQ file and click Convert System. There are a few options available for the conversion:

  • The extension of the conversion now has a more detailed and formatted output HTML file. If Show Summary is checked, the HTML summary will open automatically when the conversion completes.
  • The Real-time Updates option will show changes in OpticStudio as the conversion executes. If this option is left unchecked, the imported system will be revealed after the conversion completes.
  • Normally during a conversion, the current system in OpticStudio will be deleted, and the SEQ commands will create a new system. However, if you have created an SEQ file with commands that you want to modify the current system (without first deleting it), then "Import to Current Design" will make changes to the current system.
  • The Autoclose option will automatically close the converter upon successful completion of the conversion.

Once the conversion has completed, the tool will create a rich-text Conversion Report (shown below) as an HTML file output. In this report, it shows information about the conversion, as well as the errors and warnings logged during execution. At the start of the report, there is also a summary indicating metrics, including how many commands failed or the number of commands that were unrecognized.

Batch SEQ File Processing

The integrated user extension includes batch processing functionality, allowing the conversion of multiple SEQ files at once. This can also be significantly faster than running it as a User Extension since it does not need to interact with the OpticStudio GUI. To use this feature, you need to call it externally from outside of OpticStudio. There are two options for this mode:

  1. Simply run the CODE V Converter.exe by navigating to the Zemax directory under Documents\Zemax\ZOS-API\Extensions. Once you run the application, you will see a pop-up window asking for you to navigate to either a SEQ file or a directory. To change between converting a single SEQ file or a directory, simply uncheck or check the “Directory of Files” option. 
  2. Using the Windows Command Line, you can call the converter as part of an automated script. The converter takes up to three parameters. The first parameter must always be “-convert” followed by the SEQ file (with full path) or the directory path that contains multiple SEQ files to be converted. Finally, the last optional parameter can specify the Program Files directory for the version of OpticStudio that you want to use, if multiple versions are installed on your machine. 
    “CODE V Converter.exe” -converter [file/folder path] [optional: OpticStudio path] 
    Here are a few examples of its usage: 
    “CODE V Converter.exe” -converter "C:\CODE V Files\test.seq”

    “CODE V Converter.exe” -converter "C:\CODE V Files”

    “CODE V Converter.exe” -converter "C:\CODE V Files” “C:\Program Files\Ansys Zemax OpticStudio 2024 R2.02”

The converted files (along with the summary reports) will be saved in the same directory as the SEQ files. If you open the tool from the Windows Command Line (or using the listed arguments), it will automatically close when the conversions are complete. Each conversion will report its progress and let you know if it failed or succeeded as seen in the screenshot.



Current list of supported commands

The following table shows the commands currently supported by the converter. Please note that even though the command is listed as supported, there may be command parameters or cases which are not supported. If you wish to share information with us about how a command should import or errors that you receive, please contact Zemax support at

!  Commented out line
LEN  Data initialization for a new lens
GO  Update system
RDM  Radius mode instead of curvature
WL  Required wavelength in nm
WTW  Wavelength weight
REF  Reference wavelength number
TITLE, TIT  Lens system title
INI  Designer initials
EPD  Entrance pupil diameter
FNO  F/no of image space cone
NAO  Numerical aperture in object space
DIM  Override Dimensions
DDM  Default dimensions I-inch, C-cm, M-mm
XIM  Field: X Paraxial Image Height
YIM  Field: Y Paraxial Image Height
XAN  X Angle (degree) in object space
YAN  Y Angle (degrees) in object space
XOB  Field: X Object Height
YOB  Field: Y Object Height
XRI  Field: X Real Image Height
YRI  Field: Y Real Image Height
WTF  Field weight
VLX  Fraction entrance pupil radius clipped off -X
VLY  Fraction entrance pupil radius clipped off -Y
VUX  Fraction entrance pupil radius clipped off +X
VUY  Fraction entrance pupil radius clipped off +Y
S  Increment surface pointer
SO  Object plane surface definition
SI  Image plane surface definition
STO  Designate surf as a stop surface
INS  Surface Insertion (surface-specific format)
THI  Thickness insertion (surface-specific format)
RDY  Radius insertion (surface-specific format)
CUM  Mirror substrate backside curvature indicator
THM  Thickness of the mirror substrate
SPH  Spherical surface type

 Set surface type to special shapes

 ZRN – Standard Zernike

 QBF – Q-Type Asphere

 QCN – Q-Type Asphere

 ZFR – Fringe Zernike

SCO  Special Surface Operand
GLA  Glass insertion (surface-specific format)
GL1  Glass description, surface 1
GL2  Glass description, surface 2
RMD  Reflective/ Refractive mode command
CIR  Setting up aperture semi-diameter
ADX  Aperture decenter in X direction
ADY  Aperture decenter in Y direction
REX  Half-width of the rectangular aperture, X direction
REY  Half-width of the rectangular aperture, Y direction
SLB  Attach a label to a surface (in ZOS: Comment Column)
PIM  Solve for paraxial image distance
CCY  Surface curvature control (rotational symmetry)
THC  Thickness coupling group control
ADC  X axis tilt coupling group control              
BDC  Y axis tilt coupling group control
CDC  Z axis tilt coupling group control
XDC  X decenter coupling group control
YDC  Y decenter coupling group control
CYL  Toroidal Surface
XTO  X Toroid Surface
YTO  Y Toroid Surface
ASP  Even Asphere Surface
A  4th order coefficient
B  6th order coefficient
C  8th order coefficient
D  10th order coefficient
E  12th order coefficient
F  14th order coefficient
G  16th order coefficient
H  18th order coefficient
J  20th order coefficient
CON  Conic surface type (typically followed by "K" operand)
K  Value of the conic constant (typically after operand "CON")
GRO  Grating order
GRS  Grating spacing
GRT  Grating surface type
DIF  Specifies a diffractive surface type (2-word command)
HOE  Holographic Surface
HV1  Type of 1st construction point
HV2  Type of 2nd construction point
HOR  Holographic diffraction order
HWL  Construction wavelength (hologram)
HX1  X-coordinate of the 1st construction point
HX2  X-coordinate of the 2nd construction point
HY1  Y-coordinate of the 1st construction point
HY2  Y-coordinate of the 2nd construction point
HZ1  Z-coordinate of the 1st construction point
HZ2  Z-coordinate of the 2nd construction point
HCT  Polynomial or hologram information
HCO  Aspheric phase
HCC  Hologram variable control
DIF  First part of 2-word operands (example DIF GRT)
RET  Solve to coordinate return: Orientation, XYZ
GLB  Global coordinate data reference
ADE  Tilt about X axis
BDE  Tilt about Y axis
CDE  Tilt about Z axis
XDE  X decenter
YDE  Y decenter of axis
ZDE  Z decenter of axis
BEN  Decenter and bend for mirrors
DAR  Decenter and return operand
PRV  Start of a Private Glass Catalog
PWL  Wavelengths in Private Glass Catalog
END  End of description of the Custom Glass Catalog
HAR  Hartmann dispersion formula
LAU  Laurent dispersion formula
GML  Glass Manufacturers Laurent dispersion formula
GMS  Glass Manufacturers Sellmeier dispersion formula
SLM  Sellmeier dispersion formula
CAU  Cauchy dispersion formula
ZOO  Zoom position
TIT  Title (per configuration)
EPD  Entrance pupil diameter
FNO  F/# System Aperture value
CIR  Circular Aperture
ADE  Tilt about X axis
BDE  Tilt about Y axis
CDE  Tilt about Z axis
XDE  X-decenter
YDE  Y-decenter
ZDE  Z-Shift
THI  Thickness
CUY  Curvature of surface
WL  Wavelength (no support for config specific)
REF  Primary wavelength number
WTW  Wavelength weight
WTF  Field weight
XAN  X Angle (degree) in object space
XIM  Field: X Paraxial Image Height
XOB  Field: X Object Height
XRI  Field: X Real Image Height
YAN  Y Angle (degree) in object space
YIM  Field: Y Paraxial Image Height
YOB  Field: Y Object Height
YRI  Field: Y Real Image Height
GLA  Glass
GL1  Glass description, surface 1
GL2  Glass description, surface 2
RMD  Reflective/ Refractive mode command
VLX  Fraction entrance pupil radius clipped off -X
VLY  Fraction entrance pupil radius clipped off -Y
VUX  Fraction entrance pupil radius clipped off +X
VUY  Fraction entrance pupil radius clipped off +Y
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