Getting Started with OpticStudio

Getting Started with OpticStudio

Explore the OpticStudio interface and the range of capabilities with these introductory resources. This is the jumping off point for the other OpticStudio Learning paths.
Estimated time to complete: 3 hours


Getting started with OpticStudio - Part 1

In this video we explore the OpticStudio workspace and ribbon bar, and discuss fundamental modes of operation, as well as where to find more information about tools and analyses.


Getting started with OpticStudio - Part 2

In this video we explain how to enter to use the editors and System Explorer to define your optical. We’ll also look at techniques for customizing your workspace and how to access the range of sample files supplied with OpticStudio.


Getting started with OpticStudio - Part 3

This lesson covers the more details about the Lens Data Editor and how to speed up your interaction with the Express editors. The basics up setting up and using analysis windows and system viewers are also explained, enabling you to visualize key information about you system.


Where to find more help & information

Whether you're new to the Zemax suite, re-learning the software, or are a long-time user - knowing where to find resources will be sure to make you more successful, sooner. Within this article, we will outline the resources provided to you by Zemax. We will show how to access them, and in which situations they will be the most beneficial.


Exploring Sequential Mode in OpticStudio

This article introduces you to the capabilities of OpticStudio’s Sequential Mode. The discussion includes demonstrations setting system properties, using layouts, and some basic analyses, extended source modeling, and modeling off-axis systems.


Exploring Non-Sequential Mode in OpticStudio

This article will introduce you to the suite of capabilities available in Non-Sequential Mode. The advantages of Non-Sequential Mode and mixed mode are discussed. A brief overview of some object types and features unique to Non-Sequential Mode is also provided.


Exploring Physical Optics Propagation in OpticStudio

Physical Optics Propagation (POP) analysis is a powerful tool for analyzing beam propagation and fiber coupling. This article will introduce you to the capabilities and use cases of POP.

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