Some of my analysis windows remain hidden. How to make OS show them?

Authored By Hui Chen

Sometimes we see customers ask why in their OpticStudio lens file, some analysis windows or editor windows appear to be hidden and how to show these hidden windows. For example, they do not see the Lens Data Editor (LDE) being displayed in the workspace, and when they click the LDE button under the Setup tab which should bring open the LDE window, nothing happens.

This usually occurs when there are multiple displays and some of the analysis windows or editor windows may have been floating outside of the main display when the file was saved. When opening a file like this on a different machine, those floating windows may not be visible in the main frame; yet since those windows are already open, clicking the LDE button in the top tool bar is not going to do anything and those windows remain hidden. To fix this, all you need is to go to the Setup tab, click the Window Options dropdown, and select Dock All Windows. OpticStudio will dock all opened windows to the main frame for you to view.

In addition, when arranging windows, there are options to dock all open windows to a single pane or multiple panes, or to Float, Tile, or Cascade all open windows in the workspace. Please refer to the manual for more window arrangement options, The Setup Tab > Window Control Group > Window Options.


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