How do I change a Zemax account email address, name, or password?


To change an email address or name 

For a change to the displayed first name, last name, forum nickname, or email address in your account, please contact support via a support ticket in your Zemax profile page or emailing Depending on your license association, we may need you to complete a registration form.

Note that if you are changing companies, your Zemax account will not follow you to your new employer. The license administrator at your new employer can add you as a colleague in order to set up your new account.

If you would like to move your old forum activity to your new account, contact Zemax Support.

To change a password

If you are a license administrator, look on the “Manage Colleagues” section of your Zemax Profile page. There is a “Reset password” link there for you and each of your colleagues.

For all other customers, you may reset the Zemax account password yourself. First, log out of your Zemax account if you are logged in. Then click Login at the top of the Zemax home page. Select "Don't remember your password?" to be sent a password reset email. 




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