Managing Users and Licenses
Update & Transfer
- Solving errors when accessing an Ansys network license
- Solving softkey activation or transfer errors (Zemax legacy)
- How to troubleshoot Red or Green USB license issues (Zemax Legacy)
- How to troubleshoot softkey license issues (Zemax legacy)
- Troubleshooting license issues with Black USB key licenses
- What to do if the graphics windows in OpticStudio are black or blank
Manage & Monitor Network Licenses
- Restricting access to an Ansys license on a license server
- Ansys Zemax license server installation and activation
- Resolving network license issues on client machines (Zemax Legacy)
- Monitor and log usage of the Black USB network license
- Automate client computer configuration for softkey and Red USB key network installations (Zemax legacy)
- How do I monitor and control usage of a Zemax network license? (Zemax Legacy)
Install & Activate
- Borrowing an Ansys network license for offline use with Zemax applications
- Configuring Zemax applications to access a Zemax network license (Zemax legacy)
- Ansys Zemax licensing overview and guides
- Installing the Ansys version of OpticStudio
- Configuring Zemax applications to access an Ansys license
- How to request an Opticstudio license code (Zemax Legacy)
General FAQ
- FAQ on opening multiple Opticstudio instances
- How can I protect my software license? (Zemax legacy licenses)
- Can I share my software license with a colleague?
- OpticStudio Legacy Version System Requirements
- Setting OpticStudio to use an advanced graphics card
- How to identify your legacy Zemax license