- Resolution of diffraction-limited imaging systems using the point spread function
- How to design a singlet lens, Part 2: Analysis
- Simulating image quality in OpticStudio - webinar
- Identifying aberrations with OpticStudio features - webinar
- Contrast Loss Map in OpticStudio
- What is a Point Spread Function?
- How to generate cross-section and moment data for an extended source using Geometric Image Analysis
- What does the sampling correspond to in wavefront-based calculations?
- Understanding the geometry in OpticStudio Curvature Cross-Section analysis
- Why is the optical performance sometimes different at the Image surface versus a co-located surface?
- Why are FFT and Huygens MTF results different on tilted image surfaces?
- What is the difference between the FFT and Huygens PSF?
- Performing Partially Coherent Image Analysis
- How to include detector resolution in MTF calculations
- Quantifying Veiling Glare
- Methods for analyzing MTF in OpticStudio
- How to simulate high resolution images