我们经常会用到“为生产而设计”这样的表述,来描述生产制造中需要考虑的因素是如何加入到光学设计流程中的。OpticsViewer 中包含了支持 “为生产而设计” 的多种功能。成本估计功能将这一概念推向了新的高度,用户使用该工具可以直接从制造商那里获得实时成本估算。该工具用到的XML 文件是用 ISO 10110制图中的数据生成的,确保了数据无缝交换。
作者 Alina Shmidt
OpticsViewer中包含了支持 “为生产而设计” 的多项功能。成本估计功能将这一概念推向了新的高度,用户使用此工具可以发送镜头数据给加工商从而直接获取实时成本估计。这样设计者就能够看到镜头形状、大小、材料、膜层、质量以及数量对成本的影响。此功能在光学设计行业中是前所未有的。
从这里进入Optimax 估价网站,然后单击链接进行注册。
该工具需要使用由ISO 10110制图提供的一些信息来给出成本估计。包括透镜形状,尺寸,材料,膜层,和质量(公差)都是需要的。公差信息需要通过点击设置...常规选项卡中的从TDE重置按钮来获取。请注意成本估计工具并不考虑所有的ISO输入设置;成本估计工具用到的设置根据供应商不同而有所差异。详情请查阅下面的指定供应商信息。当用到的所有信息都列在ISO10110制图中时,用户可以继续定义成本估计工具的其他设置。
Optimax 成本估计工具支持的参数
- 有效直径:表面通光孔径(该有效半径区域必须同时满足形状公差和表面公差)。
- 直径:有效直径加延伸区尺寸(该区域上表面形状连续)。对于凹面,也称缺口。
- 直径(平的):整个抛光零件的直径。对于凹面,此直径为缺口直径再加(矢高为零)平的区域。对凸面,直径和直径(平的)通常值相同。
当用ISO 10110制图打开成本估计时,会使用当前配置的镜头来进行成本估计。由用户来定义要用的加工商和要估价的元件数量。可以使用分号分隔多个数量值同时获取报价。
估价工具是根据Optimax能在 1 周内交付光学原型样机而设计的,所以使用上会局限在一定条件内。例如,镜头详细数据中使用的玻璃必须是在OpticsViewer的默认OPTIMAX材料库中。另外如,公差输入项有最小允许值限制(精度限制)。有关整套完整的成本估算使用边界条件,请参阅Optimax成本估计文档。请注意,Optimax的全部实际制造能力范围要广泛得多。
001 |
The submitted XML File has transmission errors. Please resubmit or contact Zemax customer service. |
002 |
Missing part side. |
003 |
Invalid surface type on Left Surface. Only Standard and Even Aspheres are supported at this time. |
004 |
Invalid surface type on Right Surface. Only Standard and Even Aspheres are supported at this time. |
100 |
Log In failed. To register for the Optimax Estimator go to estimator.optimaxsi.com and click Register. |
101 |
Your Estimator account has expired. To renew contact estimator@optimaxsi.com |
110 |
Quantity must be between 1 and 10 for estimates. |
111 |
Radius must be between 10mm and 1500mm. |
112 |
Edge Thickness at diameter (flat) must be 1mm or greater. |
113 |
Left Surface: R/numbers faster than R/1 are not supported. |
114 |
Right Surface: R/numbers faster than R/1 are not supported. |
115 |
Left surface is plano and 3/A must be more than 1fr for Optimax Cost Estimates. |
116 |
Right surface is plano and 3/A must be more than 1fr for Optimax Cost Estimates. |
117 |
Left Surface: Form Error 3/B is required for Optimax Cost Estimates. |
118 |
Right Surface: Form Error 3/B is required for Optimax Cost Estimates. |
119 |
Left Surface: Form Error 3/C is not supported in Optimax Cost Estimates. |
120 |
Right Surface: Form Error 3/C is not supported in Optimax Cost Estimates. |
121 |
Left Surface: RMS values for Form Error are not considered in Optimax Cost Estimates. |
122 |
Right Surface: RMS values for Form Error are not considered in Optimax Cost Estimates. |
123 |
Left surface is plano and must have power set for Optimax Cost Estimates. |
124 |
Right surface is plano and must have power set for Optimax Cost Estimates. |
125 |
Left Surface: Must have either radius or a power or both for Optimax Cost Estimates. |
126 |
Right Surface: Must have either radius or a power or both for Optimax Cost Estimates. |
127 |
Left surface: Conic Constant tolerances are not considered in Optimax Cost Estimates. |
128 |
Right surface: Conic Constant tolerances are not considered in Optimax Cost Estimates. |
200 |
The material that you have specified is not an Optimax Preferred Glass. Optimax processes most optical materials. Please contact a Sales Engineer. |
201 |
Left Surface: The coating that you have specified is not an Optimax Coating. Please select an Optimax coating from the catalog. |
202 |
Right Surface: The coating that you have specified is not an Optimax Coating. Please select an Optimax coating from the catalog. |
203 |
Lens thickness is greater than standard glass strip thickness as supplied by glass manufacturer. |
204 |
Lens width greater than glass strip width as supplied by glass manufacturer. |
300 |
Material Thickness must be between 2mm and 100mm. |
301 |
Material Thickness tolerance must be 0.05mm or greater total. |
302 |
Left Surface: ISO Grade Number (5/A) must be greater or equal to 0.063 |
303 |
Right Surface: ISO Grade Number (5/A) must be greater or equal to 0.063 |
304 |
Left Surface: ISO Surface Imperfection (5/L_A'') must be greater than or equal to 0.001 |
305 |
Right Surface: ISO Surface Imperfection (5/L_A'') must be greater than or equal to 0.001 |
306 |
Left Surface: Clear Aperture cannot be greater than 90% of the diameter (flat). |
307 |
Right Surface: Clear Aperture cannot be greater than 90% of the diameter (flat). |
308 |
Left Surface: Clear Aperture cannot be greater than 90% of the diameter (opening). |
309 |
Right Surface: Clear Aperture cannot be greater than 90% of the diameter (opening). |
310 |
Left Surface: Diameter (opening) cannot be larger than Diameter (flat). |
311 |
Right Surface: Diameter (opening) cannot be larger than Diameter (flat). |
312 |
Left Surface: Diameter (opening) cannot be less than Clear Aperture. |
313 |
Right Surface: Diameter (opening) cannot be more than Clear Aperture. |
314 |
Diameter (flat) with tolerances should be between {minimum-value} mm and 100mm. |
315 |
The Material Thickness to Diameter (flat) aspect ratio should not be less than 1/5th of the Diameter (flat) and not more than 10 times the Diameter (flat). |
316 |
Diameter (flat) tolerance must be 0.015mm or greater total. |
317 |
Left Surface: The Diameter tolerance converts to a sag tolerance that is too small to measure (limit is +/-0.015 mm). |
318 |
Right Surface: The Diameter tolerance converts to a sag tolerance that is too small to measure (limit is +/-0.015 mm). |
319 |
Left Surface: Power Tolerance must be 1 fringe or greater. |
320 |
Right Surface: Power Tolerance must be 1 fringe or greater. |
321 |
Left Surface: Form Tolerance B should be no less than 0.2 fringes. |
322 |
Right Surface: Form Tolerance B should be no less than 0.2 fringes. |
323 |
The calculated Edge Thickness Difference tolerance is too small for the Cost Estimator. Must be 0.005mm or greater. Please revise lens attributes or contact sales@optimaxsi.com for more information. |
324 |
The RMS Roughness must be 10 Angstroms or greater. |
325 |
{Side} aspheric surface: minimum local radius too small for the standard manufacturing tool. It may be possible, after deeper examination, to produce a shorter local radius with special tooling. Please contact your Optimax Sales Engineer for more information. |
326 |
{Side} aspheric surface: slope too high for the standard manufacturing tool. It may be possible, after deeper examination, to produce a shorter normal angle with special tooling. Please contact your Optimax Sales Engineer for more information. |
327 |
{Side} aspheric surface: sag of surface too large for profilometric measurement. Please contact your Optimax Sales Engineer for more information. |